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Each year, the reDirect Foundation partners with the City of Ann Arbor’s Office of Sustainability and Innovations (OSI) to offer fellowship opportunities for University of Michigan students.
With guidance from City staff,
In November 2019, the City Council of Ann Arbor, Michigan passed Resolution 19-2103: A Resolution in Support of Creating a Plan to Achieve Ann Arbor Community-Wide Climate Neutrality by 2030. Then, despite the Covid-19 pandemic,
Changing an individual’s or group’s conservation behavior is hard. It is even more difficult if durable and spreading change is required (De Young 1993). But initiating change when the target behavior is difficult to identify beforehand would seem impossible.
The Localization Seminar was taught at the University of Michigan from 2007 until 2022. A newer course, the Re-connection and Revitalization Seminar, based on the same premise as the Localization Seminar, has been offered several times,
The Localization Seminar was taught at the University of Michigan from 2007 until 2022. It supported a number of graduate student research projects, theses, and practicums. These focused on topics such as local food systems, neighborhood resilience, voluntary simplicity,
Since 2007, when the Localization Seminar was first taught at the University of Michigan, a growing number of graduate student research projects, theses, and practicums exist on topics such as local food systems, neighborhood resilience, voluntary simplicity, energy descent,
The global climate crisis is accelerating and nowhere are the effects felt more acutely than at the local level. The resulting impacts are causing immediate and long-term damages to our society, public health, safety, and overall quality of life.