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Blog Archives

General localization papers.

reDirect Foundation Fellowships (2022-2024)


Each year, the reDirect Foundation partners with the City of Ann Arbor’s Office of Sustainability and Innovations (OSI) to offer fellowship opportunities for University of Michigan students.

With guidance from City staff, fellows use the Supportive Environments for Effectiveness (SEE) framework to develop strategies that support the City’s sustainability and climate action goals under its A2Zero Climate Action Plan.

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Reducing wasted food in Ann Arbor, Michigan


In November 2019, the City Council of Ann Arbor, Michigan passed Resolution 19-2103: A Resolution in Support of Creating a Plan to Achieve Ann Arbor Community-Wide Climate Neutrality by 2030. Then, despite the Covid-19 pandemic, the City’s Office of Sustainability and Innovation (OSI) completed a comprehensive participatory planning process in the spring of 2020.

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Localization: Research projects (Updated: September 1, 2024)

The Localization Seminar was taught at the University of Michigan from 2007 until 2022. A newer course, the Re-connection and Revitalization Seminar, based on the same premise as the Localization Seminar, has been offered several times, most recently in the Autumn of 2024.

These seminars have supported a number of graduate student research projects,

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Localization: Research projects (Updated: May 1, 2023)

The Localization Seminar was taught at the University of Michigan from 2007 until 2022. It supported a number of graduate student research projects, theses, and practicums. These focused on topics such as local food systems, neighborhood resilience, voluntary simplicity, energy descent, conservation psychology, and psychological well-being. A selection of these projects is listed below.

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Localization: Research projects (Updated: May 5, 2021)

Since 2007, when the Localization Seminar was first taught at the University of Michigan, a growing number of graduate student research projects, theses, and practicums exist on topics such as local food systems, neighborhood resilience, voluntary simplicity, energy descent, conservation psychology, and psychological well-being. A selection of these projects is listed below.

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Food waste and the climate crisis


The global climate crisis is accelerating and nowhere are the effects felt more acutely than at the local level. The resulting impacts are causing immediate and long-term damages to our society, public health, safety, and overall quality of life. In light of these realities, communities are adopting plans to quickly achieve carbon neutrality (e.g.,

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Civic resilience

Supporting Citizen-initiated Neighborhood Resilience

The accelerating climate emergency may overwhelm public and private institutions, forcing citizens to respond unaided. But how well could neighbors care for themselves if events gravely reduce the availability of local services? Not that long ago, this scenario would be rejected as completely unrealistic.

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Localization explained

Biophysical limits and disrupted ecosystems mean that soon we will live far more simply. Rather than being dismal, this reality contains many benefits. If thoughtfully done, it can be a locally grounded, intrinsically satisfying life.


Inspire hopeful visions despite lean times.
Support new farmers, poets, and teachers.


“I think hard times are coming when we will be wanting the voices of writers who can see alternatives to how we live now and can see through our fear-stricken society and its obsessive technologies to other ways of being, and even imagine some real grounds for hope.” – Ursula Le Guin (2014)

“Even a wounded world is feeding us. Even a wounded world holds us, giving us moments of wonder and joy. I choose joy over despair. Not because I have my head in the sand, but because joy is what the earth gives me daily and I must return the gift.” – Robin Wall Kimmerer (Braiding Sweetgrass, 2013)
